Saturday, June 5, 2010

'Cuz That's Real Attractive

Is anyone familiar with the term "hairstache?" I thought I might have made it up, but I googled it to get a picture and there were fairly accurate results.

Behold: The Hairstache!

You pretty much just take a piece of the hair from your head and make a mustache. I know, it's not exactly groundbreaking or even that entertaining, but I happen to find it amusing.

Anyway, my hair's pretty much always been short. From ages 8 to 12, my hair was medium length, but I wore a ponytail all the time. I needed a new style so in 7th grade, I got it cut into a bob for school pictures.

Me at 12. I look exactly the same, right?

It's taken since then (7th grade to a junior in college) to grow my hair out to the length it is now. My profile pic for this site is even a little bit shorter. I guess moving away from home really spurred it, but my hair takes forever to grow. I think it has to do with relaxing it, but my hair is officially long enough to make a hairstache! I discovered this on the way to Anthony's house for his brother's graduation and was duly excited. I was still making a hairstache for myself in Anthony's house when the following conversation happened.

Me: (twirling hair) HAIRSTACHE! *hee hee*
Anthony: (tired of me being excited about nothing) "I think you just want a mustache."
Me: "I have one sometimes." (I do, but it's not my fault. I hail from an unnaturally hairy clan. It takes constant vigilance to make sure I don't look like a monkey, but obviously, he never noticed before.)
Anthony: "..."

Amazingly, he didn't break up with me then and there. I suppose that would have been awkward considering that I was staying at his house for three more nights, but I won't blame him if he changes his mind about me one day.

1 comment:

  1. I was amused with you. I was amused by the fact that you are amused by very VERY little. :P That's why you're my favorite!


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