Monday, June 28, 2010


I've been trying to learn how to cook since I no longer have a meal plan, and I'll need to feed myself at my apartment. I've made lasagna, chicken tetrazini, putanesca, and pizza. The pizza is my favorite so far, but mostly because I loved making pizza dough.

Because I fail at reading and following instructions, I left out the whole wheat flour. I thought the first batch of dough would turn out funny. I just added most of the whole wheat flour while I was kneading the dough.

It looked exactly like the second batch though, so I guess they were both okay.

Dough after I punched it down. That's what the recipe said, "Punch down dough;" :)

This is pepperoni! The recipe said to put the pepperoni down first and put cheese on top, so it doesn't look like it. And since it's pepperoni and I'm kosher, I didn't taste it, but my sister said it tasted like Hot Pockets. I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not.

And because I could make any pizza I wanted, the second one is chicken and pineapple! I loved the pizza crust, but next time, smaller chicken pieces and more pineapple. I thought I'd get the whole chicken and pineapple pizza to myself because everyone else seemed put off by the pineapple bit, but it turns out, my dad's not that picky.

And Anthony, Angela might not be crazy. The recipe also included one for homemade pizza sauce, and it called for 2 tablespoons of mustard. The more you know!

Anyway, my mom says no more pasta/casseroles, so I need to work on this week's menu.


  1. I think we figured out that Pizza Inn does put mustard in the pizza they gave us. We just didn't order that pizza. :/

    Either way: I don't like pizza with mustard. It's gross.

  2. It's not with mustard, it is an ingredient in the sauce. You would totally love my pizza.


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