Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's in the Stars

While I don't actually believe my horoscope, I take pretty much every opportunity to read them (and I love this chart). I don't read mine daily in the newspaper or even online, but when my Cosmo/Glamour/Seventeen/Elle arrive, I scan the paragraph labeled 'Virgo' for insights on my life for the coming month. Their predictions never come true, which makes me wonder why I continue to read them, but I guess I like the idea of personality being aligned with an excuse.

I'm usually able to blame my critical nature and obsessiveness on being a Virgo. My gifts of modesty and quick-wit? Because I'm a Virgo. My issues with perfectionism and control? Attributes of the virgin. But now?

Like the exclusion of Pluto as a planet and the decision that indigo is not, in fact, a color as we were taught in school, science has screwed us again! There's a new Zodiac chart, and it messes everything up. Not only are most signs officially shifted, there's a new, unpronounceable one: Ophiuchus. And now, now I'm...a...Leo???

  • Ruler: that magnificent, larger-than-life, passionate fireball the sun
  • Your gifts: fearless leadership, boundary-defying creativity, emotional expression
  • Your issues: over-committing, impracticality, egomania
...Okay, I might be a Leo. But only if I can keep the obsessiveness. And the quick wit. And the control.

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